EKA, EKA Baltic is an expert engineering consultancy with a specialization in refrigeration applications. We are a daughter company of Energi & Kylanalys AB from Sweden with more than 15 years of industry experience in natural refrigeration technologies and advanced heat recovery solutions. Competence in this niche has proven to be valuable for both renovation and new construction projects.
EKA offers several energy efficiency services:
Energy audit focuses on inspection of the current systems and presents pragmatic technical solutions for each individual case, in addition different alternatives can be compared from a long-term economic perspective.
Design documentation by our engineers is unique with its quality. We pay attention to the important technicalities which is proven by the many successful renovated or new systems that are in operation for several years.
Support with technical consultations during implementation can be a necessary step for making the right decisions in the construction process. This support guarantees that our design has been followed and that the client's interests are protected.
Follow-up after completion of the new system is important for optimization and final tuning of controls. The evaluation of the final result will also show how profitable an energy saving measure is.
We have references where our involvement from the first step with energy audit till the follow-up, lead to result for the building owner to save over 50% of the total energy usage. Such results are possible with a holistic approach, where all energy systems are designed to interact.
"Natural and future-safe by EKA!"