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Natural refrigerants save both money and the environment

In the refrigeration industry, the term “natural refrigerants” applies to certain substances that are abundant in nature. The most commonly used are carbon dioxide R744, ammonia R717, and hydrocarbons (mainly propane R290 or isobutane R600a). In the future, natural refrigerants emerge as the sole permissible climate-friendly solution.

Do not harm the planet

Unavoidable leaks in synthetic refrigerant systems emit greenhouse gases and harmful chemicals like PFAS, with lasting effects on people and animals. Choose natural refrigerants—environmentally safe, no harmful substances released even during leaks.

Endorsed by the European Union as future-proof

As per the F-gas regulation, the European Union is implementing a phase-out of refrigerants with significant environmental impact. Eventually, only natural refrigerants will remain the sole option.

Follow the trend

Experience the rewards of natural refrigerants that many have already embraced. With growing demand for eco-friendly choices, seize the opportunity to be a pioneering company by adopting natural refrigerants, setting a new standard for sustainability.

What are natural refrigerants?

Natural refrigerants are derived from naturally occurring substances, such as ammonia, carbon dioxide (CO2), and hydrocarbons. They have been used for centuries and are known for their eco-friendly properties. On the other hand, synthetic refrigerants are artificially created chemical compounds, typically derived from hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) or chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

Synthetic refrigerants: Neglecting environmental impact

Synthetic refrigerants have a long history marked by their neglect of environmental impact. In 1974 the ozone-depleting effects of CFC refrigerants were revealed. While subsequent generations focused on safer, non-ozone-depleting options, recent years have seen further advancements to tackle the global warming potential (GWP) of refrigerants. The EU's F-gas regulation (517/2015) was implemented in 2015 to regulate fluorinated gases. However, new concerns have emerged with low-GWP synthetic refrigerants from the HFO group due to highly toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS. Leaked HFOs rapidly transform into trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), linked to immune system issues, cancer, and other health complications. These findings highlight the imperative of prioritizing the only sustainable alternative - natural refrigerants.


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Are CO2 (R744) systems’ high operating pressures dangerous?

Some may worry about the high operating pressures of CO2 refrigeration and heat pump systems. The truth is, high pressures are not an issue for component manufacturers, and the use of CO2 systems has become widespread. In fact, they have become conventional solutions in applications like supermarkets. As evidence, over 36,000 transcritical CO2 installations have been reported worldwide by Shecco.

Propane (R290) is flammable, is it safe to use it as a working fluid?

While propane is indeed a flammable substance, hydrocarbon systems are designed and installed with safety measures in place. These measures aim to minimize the amount of refrigerant in the system and ensure proper emergency ventilation. Implementing these precautions is straightforward, and hydrocarbons are already widely adopted in commercial refrigerators and heat pumps, attesting to their safe usage.

Is ammonia dangerous and toxic?

While it's true that ammonia leakage can be highly dangerous and potentially lethal, modern ammonia systems are designed with safety in mind. They are confined to dedicated technical rooms accessible only by certified personnel. To mitigate risks, the refrigerant quantity is minimized, and robust emergency solutions are implemented. Ammonia remains as one of the preferred choices in applications where comprehensive safety measures may be implemented.


Follow the Trend: Embrace Sustainability with Natural Refrigerants

In conclusion, whether you're considering an existing system or planning a new one, opting for natural refrigerants is the way forward. The industry is trending towards natural solutions, with numerous companies and public owners already making the switch. Moreover, the tightening regulations of the EU F-gas further emphasize the need for future-proof choices. Simplify your approach and embrace the sustainability and long-term viability of natural refrigerants for a greener future.

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